About Customer

Leading Global Bank from USA with operations in more than 100+ countries having multiple financial applications which are millions of transactions every few minutes.

Problem Statement

Applications are hosted on on-prem virtulization based Virtual Machines.
Cost was higher as VM's were retained for Build/QA cycles.
Minimal/Zero Cloud exposure.
High repetitive actions by Infrastrture teams adds to lots of overhead.
High requirement for Infrastrture manual efforts adds to cost.
Zero CI-CD for infrastrture delays overall projcet delivery.

Solution Offered

Complete migration from on-prem VM's to AWS Infrastrure with complete VPC, Security Groups, Subnets, Public IPs, Load Balancers, Key Pairs, Ec2 instances using Terraform as IaC, Ansible for Configuration Management, GitHub for SCM and Jenkins for CI with streamlines automated pipelne with Zero human interventions. This solution is repeated for multiple projects in client space.

Final Outcomes

Complete IaC for cutting down repetitive manual tasks by Infrastructure Engineers.
Cost Reduction by using on-demand AWS instances for Build/QA and Zero manual efforts.
Faster project delivery as human-less automated CI-CD


Have a similar problem to solve, let's work together.

Our Address

#107, Tower B, Escon Arena, Zirakpur, Punjab, India - 140603

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